Need to Know: quickstart rules with demo scenario (“Last Things Last”) and pregenerated characters — pdf | paperback | roll20foundryaudio

Character Sheet — pdf

Briefing Documents: quick reference sheets for the table, including agent professions and a character sheet — pdf


Delta Green: The Role-Playing Game: a slipcase set including the Agent’s Handbook and the Handler’s Guide — pdf | slipcase set with two hardbacks

Agent’s Handbook: complete rules for creating Agents and playing the game — pdf | hardback | foundry | roll20

Handler’s Guide: game moderator tools including the history of Delta Green; unnatural tomes, rituals, entities, and Great Old Ones; tips and tools for creating new unnatural threats and scenarios; deep details of the Delta Green organization—and the other conspiracy that claims it is the real Delta Green; and a sample scenario, “The Sentinels of Twilight” — pdf | hardback

The Fall of Delta Green: a Gumshoe adaptation of Delta Green: The Role-Playing Game set in the 1960s — pdfhardback


Agent Dossiers: editable character sheets for every profession in the Agent’s Handbook and The Complex— pdf

Alphonse’s Axioms for Agents: a handout for players — pdf

ARCHINT: a collection of artifacts to add terror to any campaign — pdf | paperback

The Complex: twenty-one new dossiers on federal agencies and private-sector contractors, with suggested Agent professions and how to use them in your campaign — pdf | paperback

The Conspiracy: a DGRPG update of the 1996 Delta Green, with detailed profiles of Delta Green, MAJESTIC, Saucerwatch, the Karotechia, and the Fate — pdf | hardback

Control Group HandoutGath Valley Mission presentation: a digital handout for the scenario “Night Visions” in Control Group — pdf an overview of the Preliminary Invocation to Primeumaton that Agents may discover during Impossible Landscapes — web

Digital Assets—Classified Pack 1: Images and Procreate brush sets for creating your own Delta Green documents. — download

Digital Assets—Esoterica Pack 1: Images and Procreate brush sets for creating your own Delta Green documents. — download

Digital Assets—Esoterica Pack 2: Images and Procreate brush sets for creating your own Delta Green documents. — download

Digital Assets—Known Vectors Pack 1: Images and Procreate brush sets for creating your own Delta Green documents. — download

Digital Assets—Law Enforcement Pack 1: Images and Procreate brush sets for creating your own Delta Green documents. — download

Digital Assets—Murder Board Pack 1: Images for creating your own Delta Green murder boards and documents. — download

Digital Assets—Murder Board Pack 2: Images for creating your own Delta Green murder boards and documents. — download

Digital Assets—Private Sector Pack 1: Images and Procreate brush sets for creating your own Delta Green documents. — download

Digital Assets—Public Interest Pack 1: Images and Procreate brush sets for creating your own Delta Green documents. — download

Evidence Kit—God’s Teeth: downloadable documents, props, and clues for “God’s Teeth.” — pdf & paperback

Evidence Kit—The Labyrinth: downloadable documents, props, and clues for “The Labyrinth.” —  pdf | paperback

Handler’s Guide worksheets in Spanish: operations, entities, and rituals, translated into Spanish by Morgan Blackhand — pdf

Handler’s Screen: downloadable panels with art and key game data — pdf 

The Labyrinth: new allies and enemies for Delta Green — pdfhardback

STATIC Protocol: ever deeper resources for players and Agents to research in your Impossible Landscapes campaign — pdf | paperback


Black Sites: a collection of new and classic Delta Green scenarios: Ex Oblivione, Hourglass, Kali Ghati, The Last Equation, Lover in the Ice, PX Poker Night, Sweetness, and The Child — pdf | hardback

The Borellus Connection: Set in 1968, a world-spanning Fall of Delta Green campaign in pursuit of terrible sorcerers and sinister alchemy — pdf or hardback

Control Group: four horrifying scenarios that introduce unsuspecting strangers to the world of Delta Green — pdf | hardback

Dead Drops: a collection of horrors for Delta Green: Meridian, A Victim of the Art, From the Dust, Presence, and Jack Frost — pdf | hardback

Future/Perfect, Complete Campaign: a bundle containing all four parts — pdf

God’s Teeth: a campaign about Delta Green agents confronting a hungry unnatural force. — pdf | hardback

Iconoclasts: a campaign that takes Delta Green Agents into the war-torn heart of ISIL-occupied Mosul — pdf | hardback

Impossible Landscapes: a sourcebook and campaign of Delta Green confronting Carcosa and the King in Yellow — pdf | hardback

A Night at the Opera: A hardback collection of six scenarios — pdf | hardback


Convergence: UFO mysteries lead to far deeper horrors in rural 1990s Tennessee — pdf | paperback | roll20 | foundry

Dead Letter: a biochemist whistleblower reveals an impossible and distressing persistence of life — pdf | paperback

Ex Oblivione: something evil stirs in a tiny desert town…HOME DAGON HOME HOME YHANTHLEI SEA TO THE SEA — pdf | paperback

Extremophilia: a scenario of horror and strange wonders in Montana — pdf | paperback | roll20 | foundry

Future/Perfect, Part 1: an introductory investigation of murders in Death Valley — pdf

Future/Perfect, Part 2: mysteries congeal around death and insanity in a small Ohio town — pdf

Future/Perfect, Part 3: investigation of a secretive corporation leads to a menace that may unravel…everything — pdf

Future/Perfect, Part 4: the Agents reach the deadly heart of threats and schemes that are entangled through time and space — pdf

God’s Breath: the rush to capitalize on legal weed yields unexpected influences — pdf | paperback

God’s Eye: horrific deaths bring unnatural potential to ubiquitous surveillance — pdf | paperback

God’s Law: a gang in the most notorious sheriff's department in the country runs up against an even more dangerous conspiracy: Delta Green — pdf | paperback

Hourglass: innocence feeds appalling appetites in a small Oregon town —  pdf | paperback

Jack Frost: a lethal snowstorm in 1998 Alabama draws a MAJESTIC team to investigate and cover it up, if they survive — pdf | paperback | roll20 | foundry

Kali Ghati: terrors in Afghanistan — pdf | paperback

The Last Equation: a fascinating discovery leads to incomprehensible violence — pdf | paperback

Lover in the Ice: a horrific investigation of predation and violation in a city crippled by a snowstorm — pdf | paperback

Meridian: unwitting federal agents investigate fraud in a rural church and find something more — pdf | paperbackt

Music From a Darkened Room: a terrifying exploration of a place gone very bad — pdf | paperback | roll20 | foundry

Observer Effect: in which physicists look too closely at the nature of reality — pdf | paperback

Operation FULMINATE (The Sentinels of Twilight; also in the Handler’s Guide): in which the Agents learn that not all that is lost should be found — roll20 | foundry

Puppet Shows and Shadow Plays: a series of brutal and baffling killings leads new FBI agents to the horrors of Delta Green — pdf | paperback | roll20 | foundry

PX Poker Night: strange and lethal forces descend upon a lonely Air Force base’s one good night of the week — pdf | paperback

Reverberations: a party drug from the Nineties returns to expose minds to wonders and terrors better unperceived — pdfroll20 | foundry

The Good Life: Lethal secrets consume a wealth Atlanta suburb — pdf | paperback

The Star Chamber: a scenario of conflicting narratives of terror — pdf | paperback

Sweetness: a happy family faces a devastating threat — pdf

A Victim of the Art: a serial killer terrorizes a seaside town — pdf | paperback

Viscid: a secretive geneticist bring wonders and horrors to life — pdf | paperback | roll20 | foundry


Agencies (PRE-ORDER): profiles of U.S. and international government agencies from the late 1990s for use with The Conspiracy — pdf | hardback

Artifact Zero (PRE-ORDER): the terrors of Project RAINBOW come to a Montana paleontology dig — pdf | paperback

Deep State (PRE-ORDER): a sourcebook detailing the projects and companies that spun off from Majestic-12 in the War on Terror. — pdf | hardback

Evidence Kit—Final Passages (PRE-ORDER):Downloadable documents, props, and clues for “Final Passages.” — pdf

Evidence Kit—Those Who Come After (PRE-ORDER):downloadable documents, props, and clues for “Those Who Come After” — pdf

Falling Towers (PRE-ORDER): a campaign and sourcebook detailing Delta Green’s operations, assets and threats in New York today and its war against the Fate in the 2000s. — pdf | hardback

Final Passages (PRE-ORDER): collection of scenarios based on “The Labyrinth”: Bleeding Darkness, The Horned God, In the Stillness, The Language of Stars, Schemata, and Undertow. — pdf | hardback

God’s Hunt (PRE-ORDER): four scenarios that tie in to God’s Teeth or can be played separately: God’s Eye, God’s Breath, God’s Law, and God’s Light — pdf | hardback

Grace Under Pressure (PRE-ORDER): a revolutionary 1991 sea-bottom laboratory makes one startling discovery too many — pdf | paperback

Holy War (PRE-ORDER): a conflict between awful forces erupts in New York in the era of The Conspiracy — pdf | paperback

Incursions (PRE-ORDER): a hardback scenario collection including “Artifact Zero,” “Convergence,” “Dead Letter,” “Grace Under Pressure,” “Holy War,” “The New Age,” “A Night on Owlshead Mountain,” and “Puppet Shows and Shadow Plays” — pdf | hardback

Legacies (PRE-ORDER): deep descriptions of Black Cod Island, M-EPIC, the Disciples of the Worm, and the DeMonte Clan in the era of The Conspiracy and just after — pdf | hardback

Machinations (PRE-ORDER): deep descriptions of the fungi from Yuggoth, the Fate, and Project RAINBOW in the era of The Conspiracy — pdf | hardback

The Millennium (PRE-ORDER): deep descriptions of PISCES, GRU SV-8, The Skoptsi, Outlook Group, Phenomen-X, Tiger Transit, the D-Stacks, the Keepers of the Faith, and the King in Yellow in the era of The Conspiracy — pdf | hardback

The New Age (PRE-ORDER): investigating a politician’s strange death leads to a cult with shocking powers — pdf | paperback

A Night on Owlshead Mountain (PRE-ORDER): alien intelligences leave remnants that still hunt the Vermont hills — pdf | paperback

Operational History (PRE-ORDER): a detailed history of the Delta Green setting with tools on every page to turn events into scenarios and campaigns — pdf

PISCES (PRE-ORDER): a sourcebook detailing the UK’s fraught paranormal program and Delta Green operations overseas — pdf | hardback

Shotgun Scenarios (PRE-ORDER): a collection of short, lethal scenarios from Delta Green’s creators and new contributors — pdf | hardback

Those Who Come After (PRE-ORDER): the temporal machinations of the Great Race of Yith — pdf | hardback

Transcendence (PRE-ORDER): a sprawling look at the Cult of Transcendence in the era of The Conspiracy and just after — pdf | hardback

The Whisper Labyrinth (PRE-ORDER): a hardback collection of John Scott Tynes’s stories of the King in Yellow, “Ambrose,” “Broadalbin,” and “Sosostris” — audio | pdf & ebook | print


Alien Intelligence (1998) — paperback and pdf

Dark Theaters (2001) — paperback and pdf

Denied to the Enemy (2004) — paperback | ebook

Extraordinary Renditions (2015) — hardback | paperback | ebook

The King in Yellow: Annotated: Robert W. Chambers's classic of terror and romance with deeply researched annotations by Kenneth Hite — pdf | ebook | print

The King in Yellow Tarot: a wicked deck of cards conceived by John Scott Tynes and Daniel Harms and illustrated by Kurt Komoda — pdf | print

The Rules of Engagement (1999) — paperback

Strange Authorities (2012) — paperback | ebook

Tales from Failed Anatomies (2014) — hardback | paperback | ebook

Through a Glass, Darkly (2011) — hardback | paperback | ebook

The Way It Went Down (2018) — hardback | paperbackebook

The Way It Went Down, Vol. 2 (2023) —  paperback | ebook


All can be easily run with Delta Green: The Role-Playing Game.

The Unspeakable Oath 7 (1992) — paperback

Delta Green (1997) — paperback, hardback and pdf

The Unspeakable Oath 14/15 (1997) — paperback

Shadis 52 (1998)

Delta Green: Countdown (1999) — paperback, hardback and pdf

The Unspeakable Oath 16/17 (2001) — paperback

Cthulhu Live: Delta Green (2001) — paperback

The Black Seal 1 (2002) — pdf

The Black Seal 2 (2003) — pdf

The Black Seal 3 (2004) — pdf

Machine Tractor Station Kharkov-37 (2004) — paperback | pdf

Worlds of Cthulhu 1 (2004) — paperback

Worlds of Cthulhu 2 (2005) — paperback

Worlds of Cthulhu 3 (2005) — paperback

Worlds of Cthulhu 4 (2006) — paperback

Dubious Shards (2006) — pdf

Worlds of Cthulhu 5 (2007) — paperback

Delta Green: Eyes Only (2007) — paperback | pdf

Worlds of Cthulhu 6 (2009) — paperback

Delta Green: Targets of Opportunity (2010) — hardback | pdf

The Unspeakable Oath 18 (2010) — paperback | pdf | kindle

The Unspeakable Oath 19 (2011) — paperback | pdf | kindle

The Unspeakable Oath 20 (2011) — paperback | pdf | kindle

The Unspeakable Oath 21 (2012) — paperback | pdf

The Unspeakable Oath 22 (2013) — paperback | pdf

The Unspeakable Oath 23 (2013) — paperback | pdf

The Unspeakable Oath 24 (2014) — paperback | pdf

The Unspeakable Oath 25 (2018) — paperback | pdf