Patron Debriefing: November 2024

And you may say to yourself: My God! What have I done?
First looks at art for upcoming books. Hours of actual play with Delta Green authors. Nearly 100 pages of scenarios and Delta Green background. Is that worth a paid subscription? Just like the outcome of Russian roulette, there's only one way to know. Subscribe. We'll keep shattering your brain with irretractable detonations.
Actual Play: Cargo Cult, Part 2
Campaign Preview: Out of the Dead Land
Operation OBSIDIAN Executive Summary
Scenario Draft: Operation DEEP DIVE
The Way It Went Down: Cold-Blooded
New Art for Those Who Come After
Key announcements, tips for running the game, scenario ingredients, and more from the Delta Green archives. Sign up free to receive each as it comes out.
The Disappearance of Agent Ivan
Announcement: Music From a Darkened Room on VTT
Announcement: French Translation of Delta Green Goes Live
Foreign Intelligence Agency Threats
Foreign Conspiracies Against the Unnatural