We all make mistakes. We all must face the consequences.
Each entry here includes the page number of the correction and whether the correction appeared in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or other printing of the book.
If you own an earlier printing, we encourage you to print the corrected text from your complimentary PDF. Clip it. Physically paste it into the book. Prepare procedures to alter the memories of the old text in yourself and your fellow agents. Should those procedures fail, contact your case officer for…contingencies.
Agent Dossiers
2021 PDF: all character sheets updated per Agent’s Handbook
Agent's Handbook
Page 1 (3rd printing, 2021): contact information revised
17 (3rd printing, 2021): character sheet revised
23 (2nd printing, 2018): Criminal (revised professional skills)
29 (3rd): Improving Skills (add 1D4 points per experience check)
30 (2nd): Skill Types (revised and clarified)
30 (3rd): Special Training (minor edits)
38 (3rd): Hard Experience (increase five skills, not four)
39 (3rd): character sheet revised
47 (3rd): Willpower Points (clarifies the possible symptoms of reaching 0 WP; minor edits)
47 (3rd): Exhaustion (allows for lesser 10% penalty)
51 (3rd): Dodge (allows movement)
52 (2nd): Other Called Shots (“Rapid Fire” option deleted)
53 (3rd): Dodging and Fighting Back (dodging allows movement)
54 (3rd): Dodging Ranged Attacks (dodging allows moving to cover)
56 (3rd): Small Arms (shotgun base damage is 2D8)
57 (3rd): Many Targets (clarification)
69 (3rd): Acute Episodes (simplifies and clarifies the process)
70–75 (3rd): Disorders (each includes suggested triggers; some effects revised)
78–79 (3rd): Personal Pursuits (effects revised)
91 (2nd): Restricted Items (deleted an incorrect description of restrictions in night-vision goggles)
93 (2nd): Electroshock Weapons (deleted an incorrect description of conductivity)
94 (3rd): Shotguns (firing both barrels adds 1D8 damage)
95 (3rd): Ramming (damage revised)
97 (2nd): Firearms (light rifles and carbines include a variant for 7.62×39 mm and .30-30 Winchester rounds inflicting 1D12+1 damage)
97 (3rd): Firearms (shotgun damage revised and simplified)
118 (2nd): The Organization [ICE]; Key ICE Directorates (text corrected)
120 (2nd): Authority and Mandate (describes OPLA)
131 (2nd): 10th Mountain Division (description corrected)
131 (2nd): 1st Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division (description corrected)
158 (2nd): The Organization [CDC] (headquarters description corrected)
159 (2nd): Field Operations [CDC]; Key CDC Directorates (EOC and RRC descriptions corrected)
160 (2nd): Global Rapid Response Team (text revised)
165 (3rd): Surveillance (clarifies the use of SIGINT)
166 (3rd): Surveillance (clarifies the use of SIGINT)
191–192 (3rd): character sheet updated
Black Sites
2021 PDF: corrections to the PDF edition made as described for the individual scenarios
The Complex
Page 73 (2021 paperback printing): Engineer/Advanced Programs (suggested bonus skill list corrected)
Control Group
Page 131 (2021 PDF edition): distance to Arcadia Junction corrected
Page 177 (PDF): the name “Fiske” should be misspelled “Fisker”
Ex Oblivione
Page 29 (2021 paperback printing): Average Puppet (1D8 shotgun damage)
Handler’s Guide
Page 1 (2nd printing, 2021): contact information revised
220 (2nd): Sign of Power (includes WP cost)
278 (2nd): The Director (knife and unarmed damage include damage bonus for Strength)
316 (2nd): Curtis McRay (shotgun damage revised per Agent’s Handbook 3rd printing)
350 (2nd): Typical Park Ranger (shotgun damage revised per Agent’s Handbook 3rd printing)
353–356 (2nd): Animals (some damage ratings revised)
367 (2nd): Personal Pursuits Summary (effects revised per Agent’s Handbook)
Handler’s Screen
Skill Lists and Base Ratings (PDF edition): added a procurement category and the base ratings for all skills
Defense Rolls (PDF): dodging allows movement
Combat Modifiers (PDF): added “or a shotgun” to the +20% bonus for range since a shotgun applies the bonus at all ranges that other weapons get only at point-blank range
Hazards & Requisitions (PDF and 2025 printing): Diseases and poisons moved to a smaller hazards table. Requisitions tables added.
Disease (PDF): critical success with CON results in only 1 damage
Low Willpower Points (PDF): possible effects explained
Exhaustion (PDF): rules corrected
Page 30 (2021 paperback printing): A Robinson (shotgun damage updated per Agent’s Handbook)
Kali Ghati
25–36 (2021 paperback printing): character sheets updated
30: Murray (fugue states updated per Agent’s Handbook)
33: Stafford (+10% Dodge due to hard experience)
Music From a Darkened Room
2021 paperback printing: Italian translations corrected throughout
Need to Know
All references to “core rulebook” clarified as Agent’s Handbook or Handler’s Guide
Page 1 (2021 PDF edition): contact information revised
13–14 (PDF): character sheet updated
19 (PDF): What Brought Your Agent to Delta Green (hard experience increases five skills, not four)
20–31 (PDF): character sheets updated
20 (PDF): Cornwell (+10% Firearms due to hard experience)
22 (PDF): Kamaroff (+10% Search due to hard experience)
28 (PDF): Palmer (CHA test chance corrected to 75%)
31 (PDF): Schell (amnesia effects revised per Agent’s Handbook)
34 (PDF): Defense Rolls (dodging allows movement)
35 (PDF): Sample Damage Rolls (shotgun damage revised)
37 (PDF): Acute Episodes (revised per Agent’s Handbook)
39 (PDF): Exhaustion (revised per Agent’s Handbook)
39 (PDF): Personal Pursuits (revised per Agent’s Handbook)
47 (PDF): That Which Was Marlene (damage uses 1D4, not 1D3)
A Night at the Opera
2021 PDF: corrections made as described in the individual scenarios
Observer Effect
Pages 31–32 (2021 paperback printing): character sheet and skills updated
The Star Chamber
Page 3 (2021 paperback printing): Key Terms (Choi-Hubey helped imprison Chal-Daok Fialuk)
20–36: Character sheets updated
24: “Rick” (+10% Navigate due to hard experience)
31: “Jenny” (conversion disorder description updated per Agent’s Handbook)
32: “Mona” (+10% Search due to hard experience)