We often get messages asking about the various iterations of Delta Green Patreons and subscription sites. These sites developed naturally to support different needs for the property over time. But Delta Green is bigger and more vibrant than it's ever been, with a ton more waiting in the wings and an audience size which would have floored me in 1997...'s time to bring it all back home under one roof.
Here's the current plan:
∆ DELTA GREEN DEAD CHANNELS, AND ARC DREAM'S DELTA GREEN & OTHER REVELATIONS WILL CONSOLIDATE WITH DELTA GREEN GHOST IO: This will occur sometime near the end of September/early October. Caleb Stokes will be migrating all the Delta Green: Dead Channels and Shane Ivey will be migrating all the ARC DREAM'S Delta Green & Other Revelations content over to here at DELTA GREEN GHOST IO. Like the Delta Green Patreon, the Delta Green Dead Channels and Delta Green & Other Revelations Patreons will continue, and all Dead Channels content posted here will be posted there as well (so no need to worry).
∆ CALEB STOKES, SHANE IVEY AND MYSELF WILL POST MONTHLY TO DELTA-GREEN.GHOST.IO: Every month, along with Shane Ivey and Caleb Stokes, I will post rules, operations, monsters, spells, PDFs and sneak-peeks at future Delta Green content. Caleb will also be posting podcast and actual play content. As stated above, the content will be duplicated on the appropriate Patreons.
∆ DELTA-GREEN.COM WILL RESOLVE TO DELTA-GREEN.GHOST.IO: Don't worry, nothing will be lost. We just want one landing page for the property so all the fans can come together in one place. This means announcements will be posted here, available for all to see. To see the subscriber content, you'll still need to subscribe, of course; but they'll be more than enough free posts to make it interesting.
∆ A NEW ONLINE AGENT GENERATOR WILL BE AVAILABLE HERE FOR FREE: We are in the midst of getting our free Agent generator up on the site as well. This will have 1 click Agent creation with all the bells and whistles, along with the ability to modify generated Agents. You will not need to be a subscriber to gain access to it.
As usual, our goal is to do what's best to keep the unbroken record of delivering Delta Green content that is above and beyond what is expected. Thank you for helping us make this possible.
Feel free to post any questions you might have below.