NEW to VTT – Delta Green: Viscid

Cover of Delta Green: VISCID featuring a confusing jumble of tentacles and human hands reaching out from a hallway. At the bottom overlaid is the logo of DriveThruRPG and the D20 logos for Foundry VTT and Roll20 VTT.

Arc Dream Publishing’s newest addition to our catalog of VTT offerings, Delta Green: Viscid. Available for both Foundry and Roll20, this module contains everything you need to run this scenario.


Two days ago, a newspaper delivery driver found retired geneticist Tibalt Grieves dead outside his suburban home. Police found Grieves’ girlfriend dead in the house. A detective discovered a hidden lab, outfitted with bio-hazard scrubbers. A CDC specialist found unidentifiable samples—samples that indicated that something had gotten loose. When the sun rose, Grieves’ body began to smolder and disintegrate.

It was another five hours before Delta Green got involved.

In Viscid, the Agents must keep a lid on a story that threatens to spin out into the public in all its unnatural detail. They must delve into the secrets of strange and lethal forces acting in secrecy all around them. They must follow a trail of carnage to a horrifying communion.

As far as Delta Green is concerned, staying alive is the last of their priorities.

Viscid is playable with the quickstart rulebook, Delta Green: Need to Know, or with the core rulebooks of Delta Green: The Role-Playing Game: the Agent’s Handbook and the Handler’s Guide. All are available from Arc Dream Publishing.

Retired crime fighter. Photographer. Filmmaker. Foodie. Geek. Community and Digital Projects Manager, Arc Dream Publishing