God’s Eye reveals new terrors; last chance to vote God’s Teeth at the ENnies

Delta Green: God’s Teeth has been nominated for the ENnie Award for Best Longform Adventure. Vote for it at vote.ennie-awards.com/vote/2024

Author Caleb Stokes put years of blood and toil into this massive work. We think he deserves every accolade it can get. Voting ends this weekend.

Why squander the gifts and glories of the Nameless God? Vote now.

And now that you’re in the mood, a new God’s Teeth spinoff is available in paperback and in PDF: God’s Eye. 

Revelations of the Spiralling have just begun.

God’s Eye is the first of four scenarios that let the Handler explore the spiralling years of 2016 to 2020, when the Agents have emerged from a terrible awakening of power and purpose. There was not space for them in God’s Teeth.But you can make space for them in your Agents’ lives and deaths. It can also be played with no reference to God’s Teeth at all, with ordinary Agents in all their blithe contentment. 

Delta Green: God’s Eye sees the Agents in Reno, pursuing gruesome, ritualistic deaths. Deaths that seem related to a small company with an outsize role in the stratospheric growth of government surveillance in America. A company that Delta Green finds worth protecting.

God’s Eye was not funded at Kickstarter, so it is not included in KS rewards. You can order God’s Eye in print at shop.arcdream.com or in PDF at drivethrurpg.com. It is shipping now. 

Caleb ran an early version of God’s Eye in the Role-Playing Public Radio series where God’s Teeth first irrupted. How might its all-seeing, all-encompassing terrors have evolved across the spiralling years? Order it and see.

Breathe. Just breathe. It will be all right.

Scenarios to follow God’s Eye over the next few months include God’s Breath, God’s Law, and God’s Light. We will collect them in a hardback, God’s Hunt, expected in mid-2025. 

Pre-order God’s Hunt at shop.arcdream.com or at backerkit.com. If you are outside the U.S., the BackerKit link may offer a better shipping rate.

God’s Hunt pre-order includes PDFs of the individual scenarios that comprise it as they come out—Eye, Breath, Law,and Light—and then the PDF for God’s Hunt proper when it is released. If you have any trouble with a God’s Hunt download, email info@arcdream.com with proof of purchase to get a link.

Babushka knows when naughty children fail to vote.

Remember to vote for God’s Teeth in the ENnies. Our predatory cosmos allows precious few chances to rouse a warm and lingering glow of accomplishment, of shared achievement. Seize this chance while you can.

Shane Ivey runs Arc Dream Publishing and is lead editor for Delta Green.